A dialogue with Prof. Gong Ke World Federation of Engineering Organizations To what extent was accountability a topic in the educational curricula of engineers, back in the days? How about ethics? What has changed since then? Why is accountability in this Digital Age nowadays so important? And, who raised the issue to take in accountability? To what extent is technology neutral? Where technology is designed for use as has become a need to have, does that change whether technology can be seem as neutral or not? What types and levels of accountability does each stakeholder have? How to make accountability part of the design phase, and not a mere afterthought? What should be the role engineers and engineering managers? Where digital ecosystems are global, how to facilitate that, and who could cater for that? Who to invite at the table? How to leave nobody behind? These and other key topics are addressed in this Dialogue with Prof. Gong Ke, Immediate Past President, World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO). |
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